2/08/2025 – Final Standings and Individual Stats have been posted.
– End of season. See you all in the fall!
2/02/2025 – Standings and Individual Stats have been posted for week #20. Also posted is the final week’s position round schedule on the Home Page.
– Prize money will be distributed next Saturday 2/08 (Note: this date has been corrected) at The Corning Legion from 1-3 pm. Please text me a picture of your scoresheet from next Thursday so I can tabulate the final results. It will also be helpful if you could have your envelopes in by Friday. Any envelopes turned in on Saturday should be done before 1 pm as the final results must be verified by the scoresheet and monies verified. There has been cases where teams have lost their final week’s points because the money was short.
– Team Captains must pick up the prize money unless the captain notifies me by text or email that someone else is picking up the envelopes. Name that person!
– Please note that not all higher seeded teams are playing at HOME. Considerable time was spent trying to get a matches at every location (that didn’t happen) and to get the higher seeded team to play at HOME (that didn’t happen either). Plus, there were errors in the first 2 times that the schedule was posted. Please check that you have the latest schedule. You might want to refresh your browser.
– Another potential problem is that the Sit n Bull has (or is going to) change hands. If the new owner takes posession before next Thursday, The Bull will close for a short time to transition. That means that no matches can be played there and thae match scheduled to be played at The Bull will be played at another neutral location.
– It looks like 1st place in the Scratch Division has already been determined. Congratulations Del’s D! The Handicapped Division is really close with the top 8 teams having a chance for 1st place. Good luck to everyone.
– After a couple of weeks to relax, I’ll start working on the league for next year. Some of the things that I’ll be working on are:
1. Working with the Elks Club to get their existing tables re-covered or replaced so that they can host 4 teams.
2. Work with new ownership at The Sit n Bull to keep our pool league playing there.
3. Combining our local rules with the BCAPL rules for 8-Ball into one document that can be viewed on our website or printed in a handbook format to keep in your pool case.
1/26/2025 – Standings and Individual Stats have been posted for week #19.
– I can send a copy of a scoresheet to any team that is out. I am completely out of the 3-part carbonless sheets. Please check with other teams playing at your bar. They probably have extra sheets and envelopes.
1/20/2025 – Standings and Individual Stats have been posted for week #18.
– We’re getting down to the last 3 weeks of the season and a couple of teams have indicated that they are going to run out of envelopes. If you think that you are going to run out, check with other teams that play out of your location. They may have an extra envelope that they can give you to use. Also, keep in mind that you may not be playing at home for the final week as it’s a position round. I’m completely out of the 3-copy scoresheets, so, I’ll have to print you single copies. Let me know ASAP if you need scoresheets. Calling me at 6:45 pm on Thursday simply isn’t going to cut it.
1/13/2025 – Standings and Individual Stats have been posted for week #17.
1/06/2025 – Standings and Individual Stats have been posted for week #16.
– Please note the poster on the Home Page for a tournament in Auburn, NY. This is the yearly league tournament for Stanton Automatics pool leagues. Although we are not affiliated with Stanton Automatics or their pool leagues, they are allowing our league to participate since we don’t hold a league tournament at this time.
12/29/2024 – Standings and Individual Stats have been posted for week #15 along with Position Round #3 matches on 1/02/2025.
– There’s several criteria that I follow with the PR matches which include:
1. There is a match played at each location.
2. The higher seeded team gets to play at home
3. In the case of a tie, the higher seeded team is determined by head to head competition, if the teams previously played.
Well, all of that was thrown out the window for this position round. Two of the teams that tied in the standings previously played each other earlier this year…and tied 8-8. So, the tied teams were switched back and forth until I came to a schedule that appears fair to me but doesn’t meet all of the criteria. There’s one location that doesn’t have a match and there’s a couple of matches where the higher seeded team doesn’t play at home.
12/24/2024 – Standings and Individual Stats have been posted for week #14.
– We had another late envelope this week, which is the 3rd for this year – so far. We usually average 2-3 for the entire season and we still have 7 weeks to go. I hope that this is the last time that it happens, but we’ll see.
– With regards to the above, I’m sure that everyone knows that the chance to pay for “insurance” is available. If you read these notes weekly, you’ll know how much I stress paying for insurance. If you don’t read these notes, you are missing very important league information that at some time or another will affect your team. And…you can’t buy insurance AFTER your envelope is late to get your points back. Ask any insurance company about that after your house burns down.
– Finally, I’m sure that everyone knows, or has heard of, how anal I am about the rules. Our local rules were developed over the course of several years to cover situations that periodically come up. They weren’t comprised without thought. Also, if you read the rules, you will notice that members do not pay Sanction Fees as we are independant and not sanctioned with any national organization. Members pay a yearly Initiation Fee which goes directly into the prize money fund. Corning Area Tavern League (CATL) rules are located on the league’s website on the Rules/Forms page.
12/15/2024 – Standings and Individual Stats have been posted for week #13.
– A couple of major holidays are coming soon in Christmas and New Year’s Eve/Day. We play pool on the day after each of those holidays (Dec. 26th and Jan. 2nd). If you have plans to be out of town or can’t make it for either of those dates, now is the time to line-up a sub. If you have any trouble, contact me for suggestions. Keep in mind that there no new subs at this time. If you have someone new that you would like to sub on either or both of those dates, contact me. In most cases I will approve a new sub but not if the new sub is substantially better than the player he/she is subbing for. These 2 weeks are particularly important as the 26th is the last week before the Posotion Round and, of course, the 2nd is the Position Round.
12/09/2024 – Standings and Individual Stats have been posted for week #12.
– No new subs after week #12 (now)! If you need a sub, look at the sheet titled “Subs” on the Stats Page. There you’ll see players that have played less than 6 weeks at this point and are considered subs. Let me know if you would like to ask one of those players if they can sub for your team and I will give you contact information. I don’t publish contact info for our players on the internet. If you have a player that has not yet played in our league that you would like to sub on your team, let me know and I may approve that person to sub. At this point in the season, we don’t want someone to sub who is significantly better than the person he/she is subbing for. Ask me first. I may or may not approve. If I approve that person, I will notify the opposing team and let them know that you are using a sub that is approved by me.
– I’ve been having a problem with captains not filling out the outside of their money envelopes. This week we had a case of both teams failing to fill out their money envelopes so I had no idea which envelope belonged to what team. No disaster this time as the total of both money envelopes totaled the correct amount. But, if one envelope was short money there would have been a dilemma as to which team to penalize points.
11/25/2024 – Standings and Individual Stats have been posted for week #11 (Position Round #2).
– You will notice that subs must now have at least 6 weeks of play to be included in the Averages and Points Sheets with the regular players. After the next Position Round, the number of weeks will be increased to 10 weeks to be considered a “Regular” player. Only regular players are considered for individual cash awards at the end of the season with the exception of ERO (Eight Ball Run-out). As explained before, a player will have 1 entry into a drawing for each ERO they have during the season. A drawing will take place at the end of the season with 1 ticket pulled for a prize of $50.
– An ERO is when the breaking player breaks and runs whichever category of balls he chooses and the 8-ball or The breaking player breaks dry (no balls made) and the incoming player runs whichever category of balls he/she chooses plus the 8-ball. There must be 15 balls on the table for the 2nd player to have an ERO.
Everyone have a happy and safe Thanksgiving. It looks like there’s a possibility of a snowstorm so drive carefully and sober if you’re out on the roads. We’ll see you all back playing pool on Thursday, December 5th.
11/17/2024 – Standings and Individual Stats have been posted for week #10.
– The position round schedule is posted on the Home Page. There were a couple of matches where the Home Team does not play at home. Remember, every playing location gets a match played there. That means that the Addison Legion and the Corning Elks always play at home for the Position Rounds. Also, I try and have the 1st three matches play at the higher ranked team’s home location. The rest of the matches are flexible as to where they play.
11/10/2024 – Standings and Individual Stats have been posted for week #9. Please note that the week or round numbers have been changed to reflect the actual number of weeks played. The playing dates are still the same.
– Also note that next week (week #10) is the last week before the next position round. Get your envelopes in as soon as possible so that they’re there and I can pick them up early and start working on the Position Round Schedule. I hope to have that posted on the Home Page by Sunday afternoon so everyone knows where/who they will be playing.
11/04/2024 – Standings and Individual Stats have been posted for week #8.
– Yes, I had to do it. I have posted an updated schedule where I’ve changed the week #’s. The dates for each week remain the same. Only the week #’s have changed. It was getting too confusing for everyone and would have only gotten worse after the next position round.
– I want to remind everyone that insurance is available in the event that you are late with your envelope. There has already been a couple of late envelopes and the teams have lost points. There’s really no excuse for losing points because of a late envelope. First of all, don’t wait until Saturday to drop your envelope. Secondly, don’t count on me being there after 2pm to accept it. I’ve got a schedule that includes grandkid’s games to attend. I will stop and pick-up envelopes on my way home, but it will always be after 2pm. I will not go back out to collect someone’s late envelope. 2pm is the deadline. The same deadline that we’ve had for over 20 years. If you envelope’s late, you lose your points – unless you have insurance. Contact me if you want to learn more about it.
10/29/2024 – The link to the Prize Money Pay-Out Sheet has been activated. For those members that have played for the past few years, you will notice a considerable change in the prize money. Even though we have raised weekly dues from $7 to $8, the prize fund has decreased by 11% ($1,230.00) which is mostly due to the decrease in weeks played. Also, keep in mind that we are paying prize money to two more teams than we have for the past 3-4 years. That’s a good thing! We will need to get back to a 24 team league playing 25 weeks to get to the pay-outs that we all want. With that being said, this year’s prize money is still very good and more than competative with other leagues.
10/28/2024 – Standings and Individual Stats have been posted following the scheduled week #6.
– When I mentioned insurance in last week’s notes, I failed to mention that you can’t buy insurance after your envelope is late to get your lost points. You must pay for insurance before you have a late envelope. And…you must still get your envelope with all of the money to the Legion by 5pm on Tuesday when you do have insurance.
– I’ve got to apologize again this week for the confusing week numbering on the schedule. It causes me more problems than it does for you. Fortunately, everyone got it right this week so, I may think that it’s a bigger problem than it actually is.
10/21/2024 – Standings and Individual Stats have been posted following Position Round #1.
– I realize that the weekly numbering on the schedule is a little wonky. I should have numbered the position rounds in consecutive weekly order. It’s confusing for me too as I enter the scores. But, it’s done and we’ll have to live with it for the remainder of the year. Please # your envelopes and scoresheets as it is in the schedule.
– I try to update the standings and individual stats on the website as soon as I have completed entering the info into my spreadsheet and sorting it. Sometimes, I don’t have all of the info to enter due to late envelopes being turned in or in some cases where insurance has been paid, a pic of the scoresheet doesn’t have to be sent until Sunday, 2 pm. Also, heaven forbid, I may take some time for myself and family and not get to entering scores and stats until sometime on Monday. But, there have been times when I finished entering info but forgot to post the results on the website. I know that everyone is anxious to see the updated standings but please give it until Tuesday around noon before you start texting or calling about the standings. At that time, I probably did forget about it and need the reminder.
– Anyone playing 3 weeks or less has been moved to the “Subs Page”. Eventually the # of weeks will be increased to 10 weeks or less. Anyone on the Subs Page is not eligible for post-season individual awards with the exception of the ERO drawing.
– Finally, INSURANCE, INSURANCE, INSURANCE! If you have a difficult time getting your envelope to The Legion on time (Saturday, 2pm) I would suggest that you buy insurance. Insurance is paying an extra $32 (team dues) which will cover your weekly dues in the case of a late envelope. If you pay insurance, you will have until 2pm on Sunday to send me a pic of the scoresheet so I can start entering info. At the end of the season, you can use the insurance $ for your last week’s dues or get it returned in your prize $. So, you can’t lose the money. You’ll get it returned one way or the other.
10/13/2024 – Standings and Individual Stats have been posted for week #5.
– Pairings for the position round matches are posted on the Home Page (if you already didn’t see them). When posting these matchups there are several loose rules that are taken into consideration. #1: The #1 team plays the #2 team, the #3 team plays the #4 team and so on. #2: The higher placed team gets home table advantage. #3: All locations get at least 1 match. #4: In the case of ties – head-to-head play is the 1st tie-breaker; play against common opponents is the 2nd tie-breaker ( this week positions 6,7 and 8 all tied with 43 points. The Elks previously beat Del’s A and Del’s C beat The Elks). Thus, Del’s C plays Corning Legion A and Del’s A plays Elks. Since the Elks is a location that should get a match, that match is played at the Elks. Simple, right? This time the match-ups were fairly easy but it gets very complicated at other times. Sometimes it just isn’t possible to play at every location and sometimes it isn’t possible for the higher ranked team gets to play at home.
– Sub stats will start next week. Stats for players with 3 weeks or less will be moved to the Subs Page. If you are on the Subs Page, as soon as you play mor than 3 weeks, you will be moved back to the regular stats sheets. Later in the year, the # of weeks played for regulars will increase to 9 weeks of play. Subs are not eligible for post-season prizes.
10/07/2024 – Stats and Individual Stats have been posted for week #4.
– Please read last week’s notes regarding envelopes and scoresheets. There are certain bars that continuously lose them when you keep them at the bar. If you need blank paper and envelopes after you lose the pre-printed ones, let me know and I can give you what you need. Don’t call me and tell me that you’re out of envelopes.
– It only took 4 weeks before we had our 1st late envelope this year. If there’s anyone that doesn’t already know…if your envelope isn’t in the Legion drop box for the pool league by 2pm on Saturday, your team loses all their points and will not get them back – ever! Sometimes, I’m there ’till about 4pm and I’ll give you that grace period, but don’t count on me being there past 2pm.
– I need first and last names in the 1st round on the scoresheets. I don’t know who Steve B is. I waste about 10 minutes searching our membership only to find that there is no Steve B. 10 minutes doesn’t sound like much of a deal but multiply that by 5x or 6x and it adds up.
– Please use the triplicate form on the scoresheet. The white one goes in the envelope that gets dropped off. The Home Team and Visitors each get one of the copies. If an envelope is late or gets lost, I will call the captains and ask that they send a pic of their copy of the scoresheet. Without seeing a scoresheet, I cannot award any points. Plus, it holds up posting the standings and stats for everyone else in the league.
Next week (week #5) is very important to get your envelopes in ASAP as the following week is a position round. Position round pairings are when the 1st place team plays the 2nd place team; the 3rd place team plays the 4th place team and so on. The pairings are according to the Scratch Standings. Tat week’s schedule takes considerable time so as to avoid location conflicts. Also, I try to have at least 1 match at every location but in rare occasions it just isn’t possible.
9/30/2024 – Standings and Individual Stats have been posted for week #3. I’ve also oncluded an updated “Roster Sheet” with member names from each team.
– Envelopes/scoresheets for the remainder of the year started to be distributed last week. More will be delivered this week with the final batch next week. Everyone should have all of their envelopes/scoresheets for the remainder of the year after week #5. Use any old ones that you have or you will run out before the end of the year. I gave each team 3 envelopes w/scoresheets at the beginning of the year. That should have lasted through week #6 or the 1st position round. If you or the bar loses them, I’ll give you some blank paper and envelopes and you can make your own.
– Speaking of envelopes, please read the money envelopes and use the space provided to enter the total money in the envelope, whether your envelope is the Home or Visiting team and the reason for any money over $32. When I find an envelope that has an extra $10, $20 or more in it and and no indication on the outside what it is for, it is very time consuming trying to figure it out or how to get the money back if it was an overpayment.
– Don’t forget, we’re keeping track of ERO’s. Every ERO is entered for a $50 drawing at the end of the year.
9/22/2024 – Standings have been posted for week #2.
– We will start using handicaps this week. Check the Standings Sheet for your handicap and enter appropriately on your scoresheet.
– There are still some teams that don’t have a captain yet. Please, if your team is one of them, get together and decide on a captain by whatever method you choose. The captain fills out the scoresheet and keeps score, fills out their team’s money envelope and, if you’re the Home Team, arranges to the envelope to get to the Corning Legion by 2pm on the Saturday following your pool league match. Also, the captain would be the person that I would get ahold of in case there are any issues regarding your team or any match play. Please indicate who your captain is on this week’s scoresheet or money envelope.
– Money/Scoresheet envelopes: Please fill out (captains) the large and small envelopes. I need the Home Team name and week # on the large envelope and money amount and reason on the small envelope. When I pick up envelopes, I have a list of locations that should be turning in envelopes. If one is missing, I can text them to let them know and warn them that they have so much time to get it to the legion. The smaller inside money envelopes need to be filled out because: 1) If both envelopes are blank, I can’t tell which envelope belongs to which team in case the money isn’t correct. That’s already happened this year. 2) I can’t always figure out what all of the money is for. Is it for insurance money. Is the money for a future sub? Did you miscalculate and there is an over or under payment?
– I will start distributing envelopes for the remainder of the season this coming week. Please use up the envelopes that were given to you this year or any envelopes leftover from last year. There are no more if you run out. Some envelopes disappear when left at certain bars so keep that in mind.
– For Home and Visiting Teams playing at The Elks and Office, we request that $1.25/player or $5.00/team be donated to the bar for the use of their table. That’s half of what you would normally pay at a coin-op table and equal to the bar’s share from the coin-ops. I know that in the Elks case. The money will go twords table reconditioning. A blank envelope will be provided.
For those playing at the Brick: they are opening their table so a regulation cue ball can be used. You will still need to pay the normal table fee but they will provide an envelope or container for the money.